Refund policy
You may return most new, unopened/unused items within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.
Items must be returned in their original, new, unopened packaging. Products returned without their original package cannot be sold as new, so a fee may be deducted from the total refund.
Photos may be requested for documentation and so that our team can determine what steps to take a return or refund. Additionally, providing pictures of the product, packaging, and packing slip can help expedite the return process.
If the return is a result of our error, we will cover the return shipping cost.
If the return is a result of buyer error, the buyer is responsible for return shipping costs.
If requested, we can provide a return label from our shipping account. Note, that if the return is a result of the buyer, the return label cost will be deducted from the total refund.
If you require assistance, please contact us at
If you wish to return the item yourself, please mail them to the following address:
Tooslworks Return
Once your return has been processed, you will be sent an email notification of the refund details. Please allow until the end of the business week for returns to be processed.
INTERNATIONAL RETURNS: Shipping cost to return the product back to Toolsworks, regardless of the reason, will be at the responsibility of the buyer. Cost associated with international returns (i.e. Shipping, Taxes, Duties etc.) will not be reimbursed.
Items must be returned in their original, new, unopened packaging. Products returned without their original package cannot be sold as new, so a fee may be deducted from the total refund.
Photos may be requested for documentation and so that our team can determine what steps to take a return or refund. Additionally, providing pictures of the product, packaging, and packing slip can help expedite the return process.
If the return is a result of our error, we will cover the return shipping cost.
If the return is a result of buyer error, the buyer is responsible for return shipping costs.
If requested, we can provide a return label from our shipping account. Note, that if the return is a result of the buyer, the return label cost will be deducted from the total refund.
If you require assistance, please contact us at
If you wish to return the item yourself, please mail them to the following address:
Tooslworks Return
Once your return has been processed, you will be sent an email notification of the refund details. Please allow until the end of the business week for returns to be processed.
INTERNATIONAL RETURNS: Shipping cost to return the product back to Toolsworks, regardless of the reason, will be at the responsibility of the buyer. Cost associated with international returns (i.e. Shipping, Taxes, Duties etc.) will not be reimbursed.