My Store

About us

Our Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday: 8:30AM-5PM CST

Closed these Holidays:
New Year's Day, Labor Day
Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day
Independence Day, Christmas Day

Welcome to ToolSworks. Offering specialty hand tools for woodworkers, machinists and craftsmen of all kinds is our passion. I am a craftsman first and then a tool seller. I started offering some of the same hand tools that performed well in my own shop to other craftsman. In fact I began selling tools so I could afford to outfit my workshop with more tools and equipment. I create quality pieces in my shop and offer only quality tools that I have personally tested and recommend. I have applied the same standards in building fine cabinetry and furniture to sourcing quality tools and forging partnerships with reputable manufacturers from the US and around the world. I search for hand tools that are both affordable and good quality for the average craftsman. I personally test and approve every new tool in my workshop before offering it to you. .

We also are active members and supporters of our local wood working and wood turning communities. Please join us every month at the Midwest Wood Workers Association where we get to see all the amazing things our customers and community make!

Midwest Woodworkers' Association